inspiration for
Welcome Baby Home came when our first baby was born in (Mid
2004). As first time parents, we magnified
minor inconveniences, such as cradle cap
or baby acne into something major. Both
my husband and I would get alarmed and rush
to the pediatrician's office at the slightest,
only to be informed otherwise. Then I thought
at such busy times, though it is good to
be careful, being panicky and rushing to
your pediatrician is time badly invested.
Before our son was born,
I use to spend so much time surfing the
internet, reading journals, books, consulting
health care experts, doctors, friends just
to get an idea on the nuts and bolts of
After our son was born,
I remember very clearly how difficult the
initial months were for me and I can empathize
with first time moms. Coping with a demanding
newborn and dealing with your own fears
and anxieties can be perplexing. Even if
you have had a baby before, you will still
want to know what's new out there in today's
fast changing world.
So I figured why not make
your life easier by sharing my own experiences
plus collating informative, interesting,
beneficial information from various sources,
sieve them and keep them concise so that
you will want to make time to read them.
Our strategy is talking
to parents, finding out their preferences
and wants and implementing those changes
to upgrade our website constantly. As with
the articles, we believe in being concise
yet informative. You will not find anything
lengthy and we are doing our best to only
focus on the relevant and what we found
to be useful as parents. We are waiting
for your feedback.
2004). As first time parents, we magnified
minor inconveniences, such as cradle cap
or baby acne into something major. Both
my husband and I would get alarmed and rush
to the pediatrician's office at the slightest,
only to be informed otherwise. Then I thought
at such busy times, though it is good to
be careful, being panicky and rushing to
your pediatrician is time badly invested.
Before our son was born,
I use to spend so much time surfing the
internet, reading journals, books, consulting
health care experts, doctors, friends just
to get an idea on the nuts and bolts of
After our son was born,
I remember very clearly how difficult the
initial months were for me and I can empathize
with first time moms. Coping with a demanding
newborn and dealing with your own fears
and anxieties can be perplexing. Even if
you have had a baby before, you will still
want to know what's new out there in today's
fast changing world.
So I figured why not make
your life easier by sharing my own experiences
plus collating informative, interesting,
beneficial information from various sources,
sieve them and keep them concise so that
you will want to make time to read them.
Our strategy is talking
to parents, finding out their preferences
and wants and implementing those changes
to upgrade our website constantly. As with
the articles, we believe in being concise
yet informative. You will not find anything
lengthy and we are doing our best to only
focus on the relevant and what we found
to be useful as parents. We are waiting
for your feedback.
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Finally, I sincerely hope
that you are convinced of our good intentions
and that your newborn will grow with
Welcome Baby Home every mile of the way...
Happy reading! Happy shopping!