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Track Your Baby's Development Week By Week
Track Your Baby's Development Week By Week
..where little means a lot

Note: The length, weight and size mentioned below are only a guideline, as these vary from baby to baby and from one pregnancy to another.

What is going on with your baby during week 13?

  • From crown to rump your baby measures at 6½-7.8cm or 3 inch, and weighs about 1oz or 20g. Fetus is the size of a medium goldfish.
  • Baby's vocal cords will form this week.
  • Baby is also hiccupping now; this helps strengthen baby's diaphragm and prepare her respiratory system for breathing.
  • Kidneys can make urine and her bone marrow is making white blood cells necessary for fighting infection after baby's birth.
  • As you enter the 2nd trimester all of your baby's organs, nerves and muscles are formed and just beginning to function together.
  • Baby's eyelids are fused together and will not reopen until week 30 to protect the developing eyes.

Week 13 Fetus

Changes in you at this stage Week 13

  • You will start to feel less sick and more energized as the days pass - in 2-3 weeks you could be free from nausea.
  • For some women, the aversions to taste and smell sticks on till the end of pregnancy.
  • You are probably starting to show - time to wear loose fitting clothes.
  • Shoes are beginning to feel tight - now is a good time to invest in shoes that accommodate your widening feet.

Good to Know in Week 13


  • There is a part of your body that won't change - your ears. Your ears will not swell, change color, expand, emit odors, produce liquid, itch or require any special attention, padding, care or stress.

Uterus tidbit

  • For 38 weeks of pregnancy your uterus is your baby's home. It starts out the shape and size of a pear and then grows 500 to 1000 times until it reaches the bottom of your ribcage. It is a 3-layerd organ: the outer layer is made of connective tissue, an inner layer comprising of about four sub-layers of smooth muscle and elastic tissue and a lining which when you are not pregnant is shed every month.
  • During pregnancy your bowels are moved around and displaced so much by your uterus that your appendix ends up just beneath your diaphragm instead of in its normal place deep within the pelvis.

Wholesome Advice in Week 13

  • Don't worry yourself sick about your baby if you are under constant nausea attack. If you are able to swallow your prenatal vitamin, water and some form of food, you and your baby are probably fine. At this point your baby is still too small and her caloric needs are not that great anyway.
  • Knowledge means power, but if you get too much of it you will end up worrying about a lot of things. Know when and where to draw a line.

Your actions can impact your baby's growth at this stage

Urinary tract infections

During the 1st trimester your urinary tract is working overtime to filter waste from your blood - this means frequent trips to the washroom. Don't be tempted to cut down on water because of this inconvenience because your body and baby need to get rid of waste to grow! Pregnant women are at a higher risk for UTIs due to the softening or the urethra because of hormonal changes.

  • UTIs in pregnancy are more likely to develop into kidney infections which can in turn increase the odds of preterm delivery.
  • A woman is more likely to get UTI if she has had them in the past.
  • Some women more than others are more vulnerable to infection.
  • Typical symptom is the feeling of having a constantly full bladder but not able to pass much fluid when in the bathroom; pain, a burning sensation when you pee; bloody, cloudy or foul smelling urine; lower back or abdominal pain; a low fever
  • Sometimes the symptoms don't show
  • It is important to treat UTI right away to prevent kidney infections.

Ways to prevent

  • Wipe from front to back to keep bacteria out of the urethral area
  • Wear cotton underwear; avoid synthetic materials and thongs
  • Avoid skin irritants such as perfumed toilet napkins, soaps, douches etc
  • Urinate frequently or whenever you get the urge to prevent urine from standing still in the bladder
  • Make caffeine null and void for now as it is an irritant to the urinary tract.

Caffeine update!

  • Different brands of coffee can have different amounts of caffeine
  • Every 8 oz of Starbucks drip coffee has 200 mg; Maxwell house has 135 mg while instant coffee has only 95 mg
  • Go for cappuccino or latte if you get the buzz for caffeine as the coffee is diluted in milk
  • Caffeine dehydrates, causes headaches, muscle cramps and premature contractions
  • Down lots of water whenever you have a cup of coffee
  • The good news: Caffeine does not cause birth defects

The Flu Shot

  • This is a safe vaccine made of inactive viruses and egg whites.
  • This shot is recommended to pregnant women during the flu season.
  • Pregnant women with chronic ailments such as asthma or diabetes are advised to go for this shot since flu becomes dangerous for them.
  • Flu shot protects again the serious strains of flu but not the familiar infections like the common cold
Free baby Sample

Common Concerns in in Week 13

I have heard that a couple can sometimes cause a miscarriage. Please explain.

  • When a couple's genes unite upon fertilization, the union can produce genetic abnormalities that can cause a miscarriage to happen. If this is indeed a problem genetic screening can reveal the details.

Can a deficiency in nutrients cause a miscarriage?

  • There is no concrete evidence suggesting that there is a link between a lack of a certain nutrient or even moderate amounts of all nutrients to miscarriages.

Can a woman cause a miscarriage to happen?

  • Not usually, so do not go blaming yourself. It is very normal to go on a fault-finding mission when you lose a pregnancy and to think that you are to be blamed for it. Many women try to pin the fault on stress, emotional upset or physical activity for causing a miscarriage. These things do not cause miscarriages.

If I am having a miscarriage will my pregnancy test be positive?

  • Yes. The hormones will make your pregnancy test positive.

If I have a miscarriage will there be an embryo or a fetus. What will it look like?

  • You usually won't see a fetus. What you pass resembles a white, gray or red tissue and will look like a piece of placenta.

Weekly Nutrition advice in Week 13

  • Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant found in many beverages and foods including tea, coffee, cola drinks and chocolates. Caffeine is also found in headache medicines.
  • Research shows that you may be more sensitive to caffeine during pregnancy comparatively. High caffeine intake has been associated with low birthweight babies and a smaller head size in newborns. Some researchers have gone as far as to say that caffeine use leads to miscarriages, stillbirths and premature labor.
  • Cut down on caffeine or better still eliminate it from your diet. Too many negative associations i.e. it crosses to your placenta to the baby, it can affect yours and your baby's calcium absorption.
  • Increased intake can lead to breathing problems in your newborn; if you are jittery your baby may suffer from the same effects.
  • Breastfed babies can suffer from sleeplessness and irritability. Since an infant metabolizes caffeine at a slower rate than an adult, caffeine can collect in the infant. Effects of caffeine on you during pregnancy may include irritability, headaches, stomach upset, sleeplessness and jitters. Quit caffeine use or limit its consumption.
  • Read labels on over-the-counter medications for caffeine. Up to 2 cups (not mugs) of regular coffee or its equivalent is probably permissible as that is less than 200mg a day. Still it is a good idea to stop consuming caffeine altogether to have a healthier you and a healthy baby. The list below gives you a rough idea on the amounts of caffeine from everyday sources:

Coffee 5 oz - 60 - 140 mg and higher

Tea 5 oz - 30 - 65 mg

Baking chocolate 1 oz - 25 mg

Chocolate candy 1 oz - 6 mg

Soft drinks 12 oz - 35 - 55 mg

Pain relief tabs standard dose - 40 mg

Allergy and cold remedies - 25 mg

Disclaimer: Information contained on this Web site is intended solely to make available general summarized information to the public. It should not be substituted for medical advice. It is your responsibility to consult with your pediatrician and/or health care provider before acting on any advice on this web site. While OEM endeavors to provide up-to-date and accurate information, it is not liable for any advice whatsoever rendered nor is it liable for the completeness or timeliness of any information on this site.

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