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Track Your Baby's Development Week By Week
Track Your Baby's Development Week By Week
..where little means a lot

Note: The length, weight and size mentioned below are only a guideline, as these vary from baby to baby and from one pregnancy to another.

What is going on with your baby during week 26?

  • From crown to rump your baby measures at 9¼ inches, and weighs about 1½-2 pounds.
  • Your baby's eyelashes and eyebrows are well formed now.
  • Your baby still looks red and wrinkled but more fat is collecting under the skin with each passing day. Soon enough this wrinkly suit will not look wrinkly anymore.
  • All the components that make up the eyes have developed but her eyes won't probably open for another 2 weeks.
  • This week marks a major milestone in hearing and vision. Your baby's hearing is completely formed and in a couple of weeks she will become more sensitive to sound.
  • The substance surfactant which keeps the lung tissue from sticking together will be secreted by the air sacs forming in the lungs.

Week 26 Fetus

Changes in you at this stage Week 26

  • Progesterone is continuing to slow the movement of food through your digestive tract; your expanding uterus is crowding and pressing on your intestines - the likely consequence is either heartburn or constipation, or both.
  • The ligaments supporting your pelvic bones are continuing to become more elastic this month in preparation for childbirth; however these lax muscles give rise to back strain.
  • Sleeping is definitely becoming an issue - try sleeping on your left side more often.
  • Between now and the next three weeks you may be tested for gestational diabetes with a glucose tolerance test.
  • Sometimes you probably wish you could take a break from your pregnancy!

Good to Know in Week 26


  • All babies have blue eyes in the utero irrespective of their genes. A baby's eyes don't get the final color until a few months after the birth.
  • As your baby grows your center of gravity will change causing a pregnant woman to be prone to tripping and falling. Hang on to those handrails on the way up and down the stairs.
  • Relaxin, the hormone which relaxes the pelvic girdle and softens the cervix is probably named because of this. Its general presence has caused the ligaments, including your feet ligaments to expand. Many women may go up an entire shoe size by the time they deliver. And this change is most likely permanent.

Strep B

  • If a swab were carried out to check for vaginal infection such as thrush, the results may come back positive for Group B strep too. A common infection, it can be dangerous for newborn babies. You will be given an antibiotics IV during labor to prevent the infection from spreading to the baby.

Wholesome Advice in Week 26

  • By now high heels may not be the wisest choice for you with all that weight gained out front and up high.
  • Fear of labor is universal. Understanding that fear of the unknown is greater than the actual pain is a belief you should hold on to. Labor though intense doesn't usually start all of a sudden. The contractions usually start erratically and gradually assume more intense proportions. With time the contractions will become more regular and intense. Though scary, you will handle these painful contractions with or without pain relief. That is the way Mother Nature intended.

Your actions can impact your baby's growth at this stage

Your Wardrobe

  • Now is definitely the time to organize your closet if you haven't done so already. In fact it is long overdue! Time to pack away your pre-pregnancy clothes and lingerie (which don't fit anyway) and make room for maternity wear which will be of use for a few months postpartum.

Good buys

  • As you grow larger pants, capris and jeans with tummy panels may become more comfortable
  • Comfortable cotton bras that converts into nursing bras. For the large-breasted look for supportive wide straps. Buy two bras max at a time because of your changing size.
  • Bikini style maternity underwear
  • Tights meant for pregnancy
  • Maternity dresses with draw strings in the back to loosen or tighten the fit
  • Button down shirts long enough to cover your pants panels
  • Flat-soled shoes or slip-on sandals

Bad buys

  • Non-maternity tops that will fit your stomach but will hang badly everywhere else
  • Thong style underwear that make you look sexy but can cause UTI
  • Bras made of synthetic fabrics which can give you skin problems such as nipple irritation or skin rash
  • Wide legged pants which make you look broad all over
  • Normal non-pregnant panty hose or tights which will roll down at the waist or gather at the ankles
  • A-line tops which will start to look like tents
  • Over the stomach underwear which tends to be too big for postpartum wear
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Common Concerns in in Week 26

Can I still go for my aerobics lessons?

  • Stick to low impact exercises; this means avoid high kicks to minimize the stress on the pelvic joints and floor muscles. Continue these exercises until the final months when you will need to slow down.

Why is walking good during pregnancy?

  • Walking keeps you fit without aching your knees and ankles. It can be done throughout your nine months and one of the easiest forms of exercise for the non-exercising mom-to-be. If you were fairly inactive before becoming pregnant, start with a slow walk and build this up to brisk walking routines of 20-30 minutes. Alternate the pace with few minutes of brisk walking and then slow walking. As you grow bigger you may start to waddle; pay attention to your gait and posture. Swing your arms for balance, to stabilize your pelvis and intensify your workout.

Weekly Nutrition advice in Week 26

  • Eating fish is healthy and especially good during pregnancy. Women who consume a variety of fish end up having full term babies and babies with higher birth weights. This is important because the longer baby remains in the womb, the stronger and healthier it will be during delivery.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish is responsible for preventing premature births; it triggers a hormone which helps prevent pregnancy induced hypertension and preeclampsia as well.
  • Fish is the right choice of protein because it is safe, low in fat and high in Vitamin B, iron, zinc, selenium and copper. Eating most varieties on a frequent basis should be no problem.

Good Fish options

Bass salmon

Catfish sole

Cod red snapper

Herring halibut


Good Shellfish options

Clams oysters

Crab shrimp

Lobster scallops

Anything in excess is not good. Do not exceed a total of 12 oz of fish in any given week.

Some of the fish that is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids include mackerel, sardines, salmon, herring, anchovies and trout. If you are a vegetarian or simply dislike fish, add canola oil, flaxseed, soybeans, walnuts and wheat germ to your diet plan because of the linolenic oil content, a type of omega-3 fatty acid found in them. Some research indicates eating fatty fish or fish oil capsules may also enhance your baby's intellect. Since fish oil is important for fetal brain development. While it is good to include omega-3 in your food plan, do not exceed 2.4g of omega 3 per day. Not all fish are safe for eating. Some fish are contaminated with dangerous substances derived from man-made pollutants called methyl mercury.

Methyl mercury can pass from mother to baby giving rise to neurological problems. Babies are especially vulnerable because of the rapid brain development that takes place inside the inutero. Pregnant women and those trying to conceive should be cautioned from taking certain types of fish more than once a month. These include shark, swordfish and tuna (fresh or frozen) nursing mothers should limit those fish to once a week. Canned tuna is safer but don't exceed more than 6 oz per week. Avoid all raw fish during pregnancy including sushi. If you are not sure about what to avoid, seek expert advice that you trust.

Disclaimer: Information contained on this Web site is intended solely to make available general summarized information to the public. It should not be substituted for medical advice. It is your responsibility to consult with your pediatrician and/or health care provider before acting on any advice on this web site. While OEM endeavors to provide up-to-date and accurate information, it is not liable for any advice whatsoever rendered nor is it liable for the completeness or timeliness of any information on this site.

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